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Aria Fermata. Chant of a washing machine

Freitag, 28. Februar 2020

Videoarbeit von Irène Mélix und Rosa Klee

Im Rahmen der Veranstaltungsreihe des F*Streik Netzwerk Dresden rund um den Internationalen Frauen*kampftag gibt es hier die Deutschlandpremiere der Videoarbeit zu sehen.

Ansaugen, halten, Waschroutine, Waschroutine, aushalten, W-Sch, Stimme, etwas aus dem Off, Schleudergang, ausrasten, abpumpen, ausschwingen

The production of the Fagor-Brandt factory stands still. The production chains have been dismantled. The workers left. Only the sounds of the nearby streets remain in the huge halls. But the produced goods will come back to complain at the Bureau des Pleurs. The washing machine returns to express anger, disappointment and critique towards the flow of global capital that leaves the space empty and the workers without jobs, the produced goods disappearing. Turning, beeping, whisteling, screaming, its sound will invade the place all over again.